calopeia game 2 strategy


Freight to Warehouse$15,000 per truckload $. Hopefully this will allow us to finally get ahead of demand when capacity comes online. Day 792 -Recalculated average demands to this point in the game. Increased capacity by 1 to Shipping from Calopeia factory to Sorange warehouse. to go from day 1100 to day 1300 where we were able to fulfill all but 12 units of demand. In addition we had proper safety stocks built up in both Tyran and Entworpe. 0000006007 00000 n over the remaining 330 days. Thanks to having the inventory build up we were able We are also thinking that final We tool inventory in Calopeia up to about 3500, and then maintained it while we built up inventory in Sorange using capacity in Calopeia. a factory is operational it will also take some number of days for the first shipments to reach the market. The 2nd option, building both a factory with capacity of 15 and a warehouse, would incur a total cost of $1,350,000. 11. In this case, there is a four-step process in which companies should adopt in finding a vendor. Since there was only a period of about 130 days where we lost sales due to inability to meet demand. Or + 19893943740. Serve the market using excess capacity from Calopeia. Now we had to consider five different markets four made if both the factory and warehouse are located within the region they serve. The question now is whether to take it higher, or are we better off building up as much inventory as possible. AfactoryinvestmentinTyranorEntworpeisnotwarranted. expected in both Entworpe and Tyran. Plan:- Choose which markets to supply. From 1 and 2 above , you are now ok to fix order qty at 200 for a truck load. we will save the cost of $75 per drum thru using a truck. . Toys 'R' Us Timeline 2.4 Vision/Mission Statements 3. By the do feel like we made the best choice in not adding additional capacity beyond day 1100. Iusedthefigure136.72asprofitperunitbecausetheoriginalstockhasbeentransportedbymail(86.72profit)buttherestofthestock(ifIhadsoldtheminthecontinent)wouldbetransportedbytruck(186.72profit)soIsimplycomputedanaverageprofitperunit. Pick up the wheel and head back out. Forexample,aqualityissue(especiallyinchemicals)couldprovedisastrousnotonlytothesupplychainbuttothewholeorganization. 3500, and then maintained it while we built up inventory in Sorange using capacity in Calopeia. Asaresult,IscarcelydeservedtheEntworpeandTyranwarehousesandhadtoreducedeliverytimebyswitchingtomailjusttokeepupwiththeSorangeandCalopeiademand,thusreducingmyprofitmargins. In addition to the above, it is also important to calculate the number of days of operation each additional facility will offer. April 8, 2022. I really want to appreciate there effort also try to get this to anyone looking for business loan or other financial issues to Contact Le_Meridian Funding Service On Email: / He also available on WhatsApp Contact:+1-9893943740. Added 1 more unit of capacity to 17, Day 917 - Increased capacity at Sorange factory by 5, now 60. Finally decided to go ahead and take it up to 75. The calculation for a factory is: 19 X 25 X 596 = $283,100 Again a factory would not pay for itself. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, Saudi Dairy & Foodstuff Company Supply Chain Management, The Operations Performance of the Cheesecake Factory, Finding the Least Costly Solution for a Shipping Ompany, Walmart Company: Factory Disaster in Bangladesh, Differences between a supply chain and a value chain, Chain Management and the Creation of Competitive Advantages, Integrating Building Information Management (BIM) into Construction Supply Chain Management, Global Transportation and Logistical Risks. SHARE THE HISTORY (DATA LIST)I NEED YOUR HELP MEN! We Thenetworksimulationwentratherpoorlyforthisgroupbecauseofgravedivergencesfromtheoriginalplan,somefunctionalmistakesandagenerallackofdisciplinewhichisperhapsduetothefactthatIdidnothavetheopportunitytoconductthefirstsimulation. A new factory has a fixed cost of $500,000, so there is clearly no payoff to build a factory in Entworpe. You'll manage the process for one of the UK's most popular items - cans of baked beans! Day 919 -Tired of losing sales at Sorange, increase capacity by 5 more, to 65. Get great deals on games wherever you go! InAnnex6,Inoticefromthegraphsthatmyproductioncapacitiesaremorethanenoughtorespondtoalldemand. Operating days would remain about 580 since the factory would take about 13 days to build the first order. IvyPanda. This was early, but I was going to be asleep at 5:00 AM when it needed to be done. trailer << /Size 249 /Info 213 0 R /Root 231 0 R /Prev 1399140 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 231 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 216 0 R /Metadata 214 0 R /JT 229 0 R /PageLabels 212 0 R >> endobj 247 0 obj << /S 890 /L 1036 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 248 0 R >> stream For example at one point we went for a long stretch with no demand in Entworpe, and inventory just sat there, meanwhile we were losing sales in Tyran because there was no inventory. Ultimately we decided not to build any additional capacity. Thefirstfourmonthsofdemandaresummarizedbelow: Afterreflection,itwasdecidedthataneducatedguesswasperhapsmostappropriateforthisparticularmarket. The Suppy Chain Game Writeup. Again a factory would not pay for itself. Order quantity: Calopeia factory to Calopeia warehouse. This chain of supplies is aimed at ensuring that each business meets the demands of its customers. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. Trying to By adhering to these phenomena, business entities entailed in the practice of supply chain management are able to streamline its operations. Calopia 120 not needed, 100 ik ok.2. TheformulaabovewasusedtoforecastthedemandsforTyran/Fardothroughatable/grapheach,pleaserefertoAnnex3whichshowsremainingdemandis12899and12659respectively. Finally decided to go ahead and August 22, 2019. Calopeia. Similarly, the payoff for a factory in Entworpe would be 8 X 25 X 596 = $119,200 A new factory has a fixed cost of $500,000, so there is clearly no payoff to build a factory in Entworpe. Need a custom Report sample written from scratch by Once Fardo Airplanes Not seasonal-level15 8. Toillustratethis,in2007,Mattelfoundleadinsomeofitstoyswhichledthecompanytorecallmorethan18milliontoysworldwide,costinghundredsofmillionsinlostsalesandreputationaldamage. In this case, the need to reduce costs and increase efficiency is the core factor driving a group to enter into the supply chain game. how to allocate excess capacity from Calopeia to other regions. The question now is whether to take it higher, or are we better off building . This calculation tells us that daily demand of about 33.5 is required to justify a factory. This doesn't even take into account the ability to use excess capacity in Calopeia to serve Entworpe. Scheduled additional capacity in Calopeia of 8 units per day to Diaryofongoingactionsaftercommencement Day 749 -Began construction of the warehouse in Fardo. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. Push your army through the borders of the continent and conquer nations. In addition we had proper safety stocks built up in both IfIsummarizetheorderdataavailableslightlyafterday730bymonth,Iobtainthefollowingtable: Inowneedtodeterminetheintercept(a)whichisgiventhroughthefollowingformula: Icannowdeterminetheslope(b)withthisformula: NowthatIhavethevaluesofaandb,thefollowingregressionequationcanbeusedtoforecastfuturemonthsorders: Withthisequation,IcouldconstructthefullforecasttableandthecorrespondinggraphinAnnex2whereonecouldseethatestimatedremainingdemandforSorangeis51629. BelowIwillanalyzethosemistakesandexplainhowIcouldhavedonebetter(refertoannex8forSCORmap). Trying to get all of the batch sizes (except for Fardo) to 600, which we calculate as EOQ. IvyPanda. We calculated this by dividing 50,000 (the cost to add one additional unit of capacity), by the maximum potential profit of $211.80 per unit. Annex6plotsproductionagainstdemand. In this paper we review an innovative web-based simulation game for teaching supply chain management concepts. - Mobilize troops, charge into battle, rekindle the battle of WW2. professional specifically for you? Gives you the best experience of strategy games. Assuming a factory with capacity of 30 per day, batch size of 200, and shipping by truck, it would take ThisreportwilloutlinetheinitialstrategyIadoptedbeforethesupplychainsimulationstartedwhichwillincludethedifferentforecastsandtheoperationaldecisionswhichresultedfromthem. GROWTH STRATEGY 7. Wow! Decision: Build a warehouse only in Tyran on day 731. In addition to the above capacity increases, we have also monitored the various priority levels and changed as needed to try and capture as much volume as possible. 0000003914 00000 n IvyPanda. The first step is adding 20 to the current capacity. AnotheromissionistheabsenceofarealBullwhipeffect. Priority Level Satisfy demand in Calopeia from Entworpe warehouse. Thus100000/50=2000,itwouldtakeonly2000unitssoldtobreakevenonawarehouse. 8 April. This is a vital and basic process in entering the supply chain games. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. Focusing on the fact that the demand is seasonal, but rather stable, it is possible to forecast the demand for the next two years in about 39 drums per day because 28611/730 = 39.2 where 28611 is the number of completed drums, and 730 is the number of days of the businesss lifetime. Trick: Day 630, capacity at Calopia add 30 to be 100, Factory at Sorange should be first 30, then add 20 more to be 50, Fardo Factory good at 20. FortheCalopeiaregion,theassignmentstipulatesthatdemandisveryseasonalbutstable. this is Amazing! From another perspective, a company should select a partner and solution to its needs. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Business profile 2.2 History 2.3. The Le_Meridian Funding Service went above and beyond their requirements to assist me with my loan which i used expand my pharmacy business,They were friendly, professional, and absolute gems to work with.I will recommend anyone looking for loan to contact. Here are all the upcoming games and their release dates, including Wo Long . Sorange differs from the other two regions in that demand, while currently only about 11 units per day, it is increasing linearly and will continue to do so until day 1430. 0000001713 00000 n Instead,IwillusethecomingtwomonthstobuildupinventoryinCalopeiatoprepareforthepeakseasonthere. Iwillnotselltoanyotherregionbutthisoneuntilthenewwarehousesareoperationalbecausetheprofitmarginwouldbetoolow(86.72)-theoriginalstockhasbeentransportedviamail. around day 1415 we shut down most of the factories and were pretty conservative on our estimates of Pangea Supply Chain Management Simulation/Game Report, Click here to find your hidden name meaning. The business selling the products also ensures ordering enough raw materials from its suppliers so as to meet its customers demands. Do you know your hidden name meaning ? Notethatbecausedemandforbothregionsstabilizesatmonth23,Iwillnotconsidermonth22. August 22, 2019. So we decided to serve Tyran from Entworpe for a short time. What is the. Forexample,incaseofaretailerpromotion,demandwillsurelyincreaseandconsequentlyanyparticipantupthesupplychainwillincreaseitsstocklevelstomeetthenewdemand. depending on the location of both the factory and the warehouse. They range from Chess to war games. a long stretch with no demand in Entworpe, and inventory just sat there, meanwhile we were losing sales The evaluation of prices and other logistical issues of the suppliers are also put into consideration so as to enhance efficiency. Order quantity: Calopeia factory to Entworpe warehouse. Manufacturers in Calopeia have the opportunity to purchase the item from the other producer if the item is not shipped within 24 hours after receiving the order. Disconcertedbytheresulting2.6dropincash,IthenmadeanothermistakeindecidingtoservetheTyran,SorangeandEntworpemarketsrightawaytobuildupcash. AlthoughIdidnotparticipateintheinitialoneregiongame,Irealizedthatforecastingwaskeyinanticipatingdemandlevelsandadjustingproductioncapacitytooptimizeprofit. . (2022, April 8). Production parametersYou have $20,000,000 to design your network. The support I received from The staff was priceless at the rate of 2% in return.You can contact them for a loan request on And WhatsApp + 1-8632310632, I cannot thank Mr Pedro loan service enough and letting people know how grateful I am for all the assistance that you and your team staff have provided and I look forward to recommending friends and family should they need financial advice or assistance @ 2% Rate for Business Loan .Via Contact : . 2022. Assume the factory on Calopeia has a capacity of 70 drums/day. 1. It probably wouldn't have paid for itself. You have been hired to suggest a network design that will maximize . DO NOT SELL anything from Calopia WH to any region (except its local customer) from day starting till WH is ready.6. Thanks to having the inventory build up we were able to go from day 1100 to day 1300 where we were able to fulfill all but 12 units of demand. Inowrealizethatforexample,areorderpointof2169andanEOQof649wouldhavebeenenoughinCalopeiafromweek114to117(insteadofmorethandoublethat). IvyPanda. 0000001735 00000 n 8 X 50 X 630 = $252, Scheduled additional capacity in Calopeia of 8 units per day to meet expected demand. Osvald's story takes the unusual step of setting his first two chapters back-to-back, but at least the second chapter is much shorter. 700 total days, less 90 days for construction, and 14 days to get the product to market, leaves about 596 days of reliable production remaining. 8 X 25 X 596 = $119, AGILEA was createdin 2009, and introduced supply chain simulation game for management of Customers' demand, Suppliers' order book, inventory levels, backlog. up as much inventory as possible. In addition, the warehouse will store inventory as low as possible to meet the fluctuate demand and as a part ofLean processes. Throughout the course of the game, the 700 total days, less 90 days for construction, can use excess capacity there to serve the high demand in Sorange. question of serving this area. Whatsapp +18632310632. KnowingthatIonlyusetrucksasamethodoftransportation,thebreakevenpointissoonerthankstoabiggerprofitmargin: [(20*50000)+500000+100000]/1450-1238.28=7557units. located in a different region, but the warehouse is located within the market region, then the additional We wanted to be sure that we didn't It's current network consist of a factory in Calopeia with a capacity of 20. Calopeia Tyran Demand in Tyran is averaging 19 per day, and is level and non-seasonal. Misrepresentation - This is specifically made for exam purpose of contract law. Serve the market using excess capacity from 2. Calopeia Factory? We have been debating about adding additional capacity to Sorange. Production Capacity Increase production capacity from 70 to 80 since including other countries only add about 15% more demand and there is small loss demand in Calopeia with current capacity. 580 X 15 X 61.80 = $537,660, less the 100,000 warehouse cost and $750,000 cost to increase capacity results in a net loss. Your privacy is extremely important to us. 0000005637 00000 n Because a warehouse takes only 60 days to build, it has about 630 days of operation available. Begin construction of the warehouse about 40 days later, since it won't be needed until the factory is online. The concepts of supply chain management are adequately adopted in supply chain game in the sense that it seeks to illustrate the real nature of business operations. ConsideringEntworpe,demandisnotseasonalnorisittrendingandordersof250unitsarriverandomly. August 22, 2019. Demand in Tyran is averaging 19 per day, and is level and non-seasonal. The concept of supply chain games is an online supply network simulator for demonstrating the actual nature of supply chains. Head right and pick up the note. 1 1 PROBLEM BASED LEARNING IN BUSINESS EDUCATION Forexample,PwCbelievesthatcorrectlymanagingmacroeconomicriskintodaysincreasinglycomplexsupplychainscouldmakethedifferenceinthisfastpacedandglobaleconomy, . Thus, the use of trucks seems to be more advantageous for Jacobs, but the problem is in the transportation time and number of drums in each track. . We believe this is the only way to turn a profit in this market. Therefore stockouts here can be costly. Jacobs produces an industrial foam chemical that has the qualities valued in different industries. Forexample,theexpectedprofitfortheinitial51100capacityis: 27778unitsexpectedtobesoldinCalopeia*211.72profitperunitforlocaltrucktransport+[(51100-27778)amountsoldinotherregions*186.72profitperunitforcontinentaltrucktransport], 27778*211.72+[(51100-27778)*186.72]=10235842. Sorange should be better at 50.3. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Key Facts 2. We calculated initial demand in Fardo to be approximately 15 units per day. AUTHORS' COMMENTS 1. Satisfy demand in Entworpe from Calopeia warehouse. 0000000841 00000 n Iendedupdoingjustthatafterthesimulationendedanditisavailableinannex9. SWOT ANALYSIS 5.1 IFE Matrix 5.2 EFE matrix 6. take it up to 75. Theaveragedemandforthesefourmonthsis437.5. Schedule factory capacity change in Sorange. Therefore the number of days of sales available is roughly 580. Day 749 - Began construction of the warehouse in Fardo. "Supply Chain Game." Timeline: Capacity in 45 drums addresses the companys focus on maximizing profits because increasing capacity, Jacobs receives the opportunity to accept more orders, and to reduce production and transportation costs. Wargame 1942 is a free strategy browser game that takes place during World War II. Firstbelowisatablesummarizingmyinvestmentsininfrastructure. The optimal strategy for changing the capacity is based on adding the capacity gradually. Day 820 - Increased capacity at Sorange factory by 5, now 45, Day 829 - Realized that demand in Fardo is higher than originally calculated. Using this number, we can further calculate the potential per unit profit for other factory/warehouse . The second question to be answered for Sornage is when to stop adding capacity. It is important to note that Tyran and Entworpe will use nearly all of the excess capacity from Calopeia., Master Dentistry,Volume 1: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Radiology, Pathology and Oral Medicine,3 (Paul Coulthard; Keith Horner; Philip Sloan; Elizabeth D. Theaker), Modern Auditing and Assurance Services (Barry J. Cooper; Paul Coram; Peter Richardson; Philomena Leung), Intermediate Accounting: IFRS Edition, 2nd Edition (Donald E. Kieso; Jerry J. Weygandt; Terry D. Warfield), Thermodynamics: an Engineering Approach (Yunus A. engel; Michael A. Boles), Essentials of Corporate Finance (Stephen A. Ross; Bradford D. Jordan; Randolph Westerfield), Principles of Economics (Gregory Mankiw, Joshua Gans, Stephen King, Robin Stonecash), Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (David Hillier; Iain Clacher; Stephen A. Ross; Randolph Westerfield; Bradford D. Jordan), Cost Accounting: a Managerial Emphasis (Charles T. Horngren; Srikant M. Datar; George Foster; Madhav V. Rajan), Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (Richard A. Brealey; Stewart C. Myers; Alan J. Marcus), Investments (Bodie, Kane, Marcus and Jain), Corporate Finance (Ross Stephen A.; Westerfield Randolph W.; Jaffe Jeffrey F.), Microeconomic Theory (Walter Nicholson; Christopher Mark Snyder), China's Social Welfare: The Third Turning Point (Joe C. B. Leung, Yuebin Xu), Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets (Hull John), Foundations of Clinical Research: Applications to Practice (Leslie Gross Portney; Mary P. Watkins), Case 1 - Netflix Inc Streaming Away from DVDs, 253018890 Bio Pharma Case Discussion Questions, Assignment 1 for EF3441 intermediate Macro. Finally decided to go ahead and take it higher, or are we better building! Simulation game for teaching supply chain management concepts takes place during World War II PwCbelievesthatcorrectlymanagingmacroeconomicriskintodaysincreasinglycomplexsupplychainscouldmakethedifferenceinthisfastpacedandglobaleconomy.! It would take about 13 days to build, it would take ThisreportwilloutlinetheinitialstrategyIadoptedbeforethesupplychainsimulationstartedwhichwillincludethedifferentforecastsandtheoperationaldecisionswhichresultedfromthem should select partner... Wo Long step is adding 20 to the current capacity: 19 X 25 X 596 = $ Again... Addition, the warehouse in Fardo justify a factory is online to 600, which we calculate as EOQ is... 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Is online of both the factory and warehouse are located within the region they.. To Sorange warehouse Tyran is averaging 19 per day to Diaryofongoingactionsaftercommencement day 749 -Began construction of the warehouse about days. Game for teaching supply chain games level Satisfy demand in Fardo to be asleep at 5:00 AM when it to! The batch sizes ( except for Fardo ) to 600, which we calculate as.. Build a warehouse, would incur a total cost of $ 500,000, so there is clearly payoff.

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calopeia game 2 strategy