laravel dependency injection controller


), fixed StackFrame not processing Windows paths correctly, multiple changes to the Laravel config file, please review and re-publish, the timeline api was reworked, please see documentation for details, the global log instance was moved to request instance, please see documentation for details, the central Clockwork class api was reworked, old api is available but deprecated, fixed handling of index file locking failures in file storage (reported by mahagr, thanks! The ready-to-use packages provided by Laravel include Cashier for managing subscription billing services, Envoy that provides a clean & minimal syntax for defining common tasks you run on your remote servers, Socialite for the simplified mechanism for OAuth authentication with providers like Facebook, GitHub, Google, etc. To use the new data source we need to register it with the main Clockwork class: clock()->addDataSource(new SessionDataSource); For more inspiration take a look at the existing data sources included in Clockwork. To deploy Laravel to Heroku is a rather fun and straightforward process, it comes with great benefits and supports auto-deployment and auto testing thats why I have prepared a work through an article on deploying Laravel to Heroku. So, in the model you would have: The authentication in Clockwork works very simple. In this chapter, the tutorial will explore a little about the Laravel framework. Right before sending a response, we need to tell Clockwork to resolve and store metadata for current request. In our case, we will stick with mysql database. Visit in your browser to test your newly created Laravel project. Again, we only need to specify the part of the controller class name that comes after the base App\Http\Controllers namespace: You may access the name of the controller action being run using the currentRouteAction method on the Route facade: Middleware may be assigned to the controller's routes like so: However, it is more convenient to specify middleware within your controller's constructor. ), fixed entire performance log not being shown if the request doesn't have slow queries (reported by sebastiaanluca, thanks! There are some things that T-girls are known for, and juicy assholes is definitely one of them. $clockwork = Clockwork\Support\Vanilla\Clockwork::init(); ), fixed pagination breaking timeline layout, fixed very long event descriptions breaking timeline layout, fixed stack traces rendering as icons with empty popups when no trace is available, fixed requests list behavior when "preserve log" is disabled (reported by Vai2kas, thanks! If you get everything correctly, you should be presented with a dashboard like this: Now, deploying your Laravel project can be tedious especially if it is your first time, but in this chapter, we will look at deploying your first Laravel project easily and successfully. ), fixed cleanup not working with file storage (implemented by LucidTaZ, thanks! The authentication system is extensible, to see how to add your own authentication methods see the "extending authentication" section. Dependency Injection & Octane. Features products with unlimited and flexible variations, a product browser with filters and price range slider, global product search, guest checkout, shipping and payment implementation, order status tracking and more. Now that we have a clear understanding of the structure of Laravel, I will add that every other thing you might notice in Laravel like Request, Response, Queues, Cache, etc revolves around these three components. Lets install and set up our authentication process with minutes: With these few commands, your authentication process is set, navigate to or, if you see the following screenshots then everything is properly set up. ), added support for command type requests, showing command name and exit code in requests list and arguments and options in sidebar, added command output tab showing ansi formatted command output, added support for queue-job type requests, showing job name and status in requests list and payload, connection, queue and options in sidebar, added support for dispatched jobs status in the queue tab and ability to show queue-job request details, added support for test type requests, showing test name and status in requests list and executed asserts in sidebar, added database quries, events, cache queries, queue jobs, redis commands, views and emails to the timeline, added tags support for timeline events with ability to hide individual tags, added support for parent requests, with ability to load and show parent request, added new settings modal, settings are now applied and saved right-away on change, added appearance setting (auto, light, dark), default auto option will use theme according to OS or Dev Tools settings, added settings to hide command, queue-job and test type requests, added setting to disable automatically showing incoming requests (idea by robclancy, thanks! ), fixed collecting database and unsupported Laravel notifications (implemented by YannikFirre, thanks! ), fixed high-precision timings from Xdebug 3 not being shown correctly in profiler (reported by tsukasagenesis, thanks! ), fixed crash on initialization in Lumen apps using queue (reported by gramparallelo, thanks! Let me know what you will be building, if none, just comment Laravel is Great, we may connect from there. A lot has changed in setting up Laravel since the release of the current version 8, you can get full details on how to install and set up Laravel here. 45 Spring Interview Questions And Answers Advanced Authentication and Authorisation techniques. getRequest() -> request(), setRequest($request) -> request($request). To add an event to the timeline - start it with a description, execute the tracked code and finish the event. }. // new api You need to implement a single resolve(Request $request) method that will receive the Request data object and extends it with your custom data. We'd love to see your contribution to the Iris Web Framework! Add the following codes to the newly created controller: This is just a skeleton of how the controller will look like. '/storage/clockwork')); The Clockwork config file contains multiple changes. To create an authenticator implementation you will need to implement the Clockwork\Authentication\AuthenticatorInterface interface. This is useful during testing since you can inject a mock or stub and assert that various methods were called on the stub. All data collected by Clockwork is shown on the timeline, searchable and filterable by it's kind. Easy to use a templating engine called Blade and also integrations with popular Frontend frameworks like Vue, React out of the box. Juliana was super hot and she turned me on instantly. Rsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. So, here we are, having our first ever male, female and tranny threesome! In this case we will also need to tell Clockwork where to load the data from using the api option. While not needed for normal usage, this can be useful if you are planning on extending Clockwork with custom data sources, storage implementations, adding more in-depth support for your custom applications or unsupported frameworks or even writing a custom Clockwork client apps. To do so, you can use the Clockwork addDatabaseQuery method in your database abstraction layer. You can log any variable via the clock() helper, from a simple string to an array or object, even multiple values: clock(User::first(), auth()->user(), $username). Top 48 Spring Interview Questions (Crack Of course! This means we can only show the same information as the Symfony Web Profiler, other Clockwork features are not available. ), improved Data sidebar section styles (reprted by DarkVen0m, thanks! ), fixed data sources not being initialized for extended data requests (reported by tmishutin, thanks! Some of the considerable features of this particular language are Imperative & Structured, Light-Weight, Object-oriented Programming Support, Platform Independent, and many others. Building real-time applications with Laravel is made very easy with real-time event broadcasting. Fast development with Code you control. '/storage/clockwork')); $app = new Slim(); Docker is indeed the most recommended tool for all developers. The old data is automatically cleaned up after a specified cleanup interval, 30 days by default. ), fixed not respecting the collect tests setting in Laravel (reported by SimBig, thanks! That's why it's a good idea to enable Xdebug profiling only for certain requests. She has an amazing body and I can really see my girlfriend enjoying the action. Using the make:controller Artisan command, we can quickly create such a controller: The Artisan command will generate a controller file at app/Http/Controllers/PhotoController.php. (thanks sisve), added new api for recording subrequests (thanks L3o-pold), added collecting of full URLs for requests, added ability to use dark theme for the web UI, added new extend-api to data soruces for extending data when it's being sent to the application, improved data serialization implementation - handles recursion, unlimited depth, type metadata, clear marking for protected and private properties, improved data serialization with configurable defaults, limit and blackboxing of classes, improved handling of binary bindings in EloquentDataSource (thanks sergio91pt and coderNeos), improved stack traces collection to resolve original view names, improved default configuration to not collect data for Laravel Horizon requests (thanks fgilio), improved LaravelDataSource view data collecting to remove Laravel Twigbridge metadata, changed Laravel integration to register middleware in the boot method instead of register (thanks dionysiosarvanitis), changed Laravel and Lumen integrations to use a single shared Log instance, fixed Clockwork HTTP API returning empty object instead of null if request was not found, fixed Clockwork routes not returning 404 when disabled on runtime with route cache enabled (thanks joskfg), changed SQL storage schema URI column type from VARCHAR to TEXT (thanks sumidatx), fixed possible crash in file storage cleanup if the file was already deleted (thanks bcalik), fixed event handling in Eloquent data source compatibility with some 3rd party packages (thanks erikgaal), drop support for collecting Laravel controller middleware (as this can have unexpected side-effects) (thanks phh), improved Server-Timing now uses the new header format (thanks kohenkatz), fixed Laravel crash when gathering middleware if the controller class doesn't exist, fixed compatibility with Laravel 5.2 (thanks peppeocchi), fixed Laravel 4.x support once again (thanks bcalik), added support for collecting route middleware (thanks Vercoutere), added support for collecting routes and middleware in newer Lumen versions, updated Web UI ti match Clockwork Chrome 2.2, improved Laravel support to register most event handlers only when collecting data, fixed Lumen middleware not being registered automatically (thanks lucian-dragomir), fixed published Lumen config not being loaded, updated Web UI to match Clockwork Chrome 2.1, improved Laravel support to load the default config and use env variables in the default config, improved Lumen support to use the standard config subsystem instead of directly accessing env variables (thanks davoaust, SunMar), improved reliability of storing metadata in some cases (by using JSON_PARTIAL_OUTPUT_ON_ERROR when supported), fixed wrong mime-type for javascript assets in Web UI causing it to not work in some browsers (thanks sleavitt), fixed path checking in Web UI causing it to not work on Windows (thanks Malezha), fixed parameters conversion in DBALDataSource (thanks andrzejenne), improved mkdir error handling in FileStorage (thanks FBnil), fixed crash in LaravelEventsDataSource when firing events with associative array as payload, fixed Clockwork now working when used with Laravel route cache, fixed crash on attempt to clean up file storage if the project contains Clockwork 1.x metadata, added new more robust metadata storage API, added automatic metadata cleanup (defaults to 1 week), added better metadata serialization including class names for objects, added PostgreSQL compatibility for the SQL storage (thanks oldskool73), added Slim 3 middleware (thanks sperrichon), added PSR message data source (thanks sperrichon), added Doctrine DBAL data source (thanks sperrichon), changed Clockwork request ids now use dashes instead of dots (thanks Tibbelit), changed Laravel and Lumen integrations to no longer log data for console commands, changed simplified the clock Laravel helper (thanks Jergus Lejko), fixed wrong version data logged in SQL storage, removed PHP 5.3 support, code style changes, removed ability to register additional data sources via Clockwork config, PHP 5.3 - no longer supported, you can continue using the latest 1.x version, CodeIgniter - no longer supported, you can continue using the lastest 1.x version, Slim 2 - update the imported namespace from, ability to register additional data sources via Clockwork config was removed, please call, fixed incompatibility with Laravel 4.1 an 4.2 (introduced in 1.14.3), added support for Lumen 5.5 (thanks nebez), added support for Laravel 5.5 package auto-discovery (thanks Omranic), added automatic registration of the Laravel middleware (no need to edit your Http/Kernel.php anymore, existing installations don't need to be changed), updated Laravel artisan clockwork:clean command for Laravel 5.5 (thanks rosswilson252), fixed crash when retrieving all requests from Sql storage (thanks pies), fixed missing imports in Doctrine data source (thanks jenssegers), fixed collecting Eloquent queries when using PDO_ODBC driver for real (thanks abhimanyu003), added support for Server-Timing headers (thanks Garbee), fixed compatibility with Lumen 5.4 (thanks Dimasdanz), fixed collecting Eloquent queries with bindings containing backslashes (thanks fitztrev), fixed collecting Eloquent queries when using PDO_ODBC driver (thanks abhimanyu003), fixed collecting Doctrine queries with array bindings (thanks RolfJanssen), replaced Doctrine bindings preparation code with more complete version from laravel-doctrine, fixed compatibility with Lumen 5.4 (thanks meanevo), added support for Laravel 5.4 (thanks KKSzymanowski). We will create a todo-app with our Laravel installation, just run the following command: Next, change your directory to the current created directory: Open your project with any code editor of your choice, I will be using Visual Studio Code. This scene starts off with Raul Montana sucking the cock of the transsexual Renata Davila. The share service is free to use, click on the share button in the sidebar to start. ), updated suggested Sublime url handler (idea by peterthomson, thanks! Now, lets get started with top Backend Development Tools For Web Developers: PHP, an acronym for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a server-side scripting language and is one of the most widely used programming languages for backend web development. All data logged using the standard Laravel log methods will also be collected. The Clockwork server-side component collects and stores data about your application. ), added support for overriding metadata path via settings, improved compatibility with Firefox when handling cookies (reported by DarkVen0m, thanks! To do so, add following setting to your php.ini and you will be able to toggle whether Xdebug profiles should be collected in Clockwork profiler UI itself: ; Xdebug 3 While different Clockwork integrations work in different ways a typical usage looks like this: Check out the "extending data sources" and "extending metadata storage" for information on writing your custom data sources and storage implementations. It also very easy to spin a microservice with Laravel API and maybe Vue ad the frontend framework. I might even get a little jealous and try it myself Ive always wondered what it would be like to get pegged. ), fixed a rare crash in Eloquent duplicate queries detection (reported by mstaack, thanks! $results = $stmt->fetchAll(); MVC (Model-Views-Controller) is a design pattern in software development that divides the logic of the program into 3 interconnected elements. 2.976 Siswa Terdaftar. Now, lets fill in the content of each method. After installing Laravel, you almost do not need any additional set up except if you want to change timezones or other specific configurations, then you can review the config/app file to see the different configurations available. The command will generate a new Todo Model inside app folder or app/Models folder (Laravel 8). Practice for Cracking Any Coding Interview, Must Do Coding Questions for Product Based Companies, Top 10 Projects For Beginners To Practice HTML and CSS Skills. Once a request containing both of these headers is received, Clockwork retrieves the request metadata via a HTTP GET request to /__clockwork/{ID}. xdebug.mode = profile I dont know how its going to feel, but Im sure itll be pleasurable. We collect a whole bunch of useful data by default, but you can enable more features or disable features you don't need in the config file. You can opt-out for these tools as per your requirements while doing Backend Development. Meanwhile, MySQL can work on various distinct operating systems and is compatible with many popular languages like PHP, Java, etc. SQL storage works great with a simple Sqlite database, but also supports MySQL and PostgreSQL. All Laravel Breeze configuration can be found at config/auth.php, then all the Authentication logic is found in app/Http/Controllers/Auth, and all the UI interface files can be found at resources/views/auth. One of the best ORM called Eloquent for handling database connection, migration, and queries easily. The minimum required PHP version is now 5.6, previously 5.5. The hot three-way action is going to include Junior Bastos and Anna Bella. Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks available in the tech world. It provides a beautifully expressive and easy to use foundation for your next website or API. There are several options that allow you to choose for which requests Clockwork is active. Clockwork now supports multiple request types besides HTTP requests - commands, queue jobs and tests. What are Microservices? Code Examples MongoDB is a free and open-source document-oriented database that is very much popular among web developers. ), fixed crash when HTTP request body contains valid json which does not contain array (eg. It is still not recommended to run Clockwork in production or environments that might contain sensitive customer data. ), fixed PHP 5.x incompatibility renaming the Storage\Search empty and notEmpty methods to isEmpty and isNotEmpty (reported by eduardodgarciac, thanks! Its a win-win situation for us, and we sure made the most of it. Thats right, your tranny and threesome fantasies are combined into one for this very special occasion. Now check your email to confirm your subscription. public function resolve(Request $request) ), fixed inconsistent handling of time and duration arguments in various Request::add* methods (reported by mahagr, thanks! Laravel is a Trademark of Taylor Otwell. The profiler UI will show you a breakdown of all function calls with their self and inclusive cost. Im so glad that weve had our first threesome with a tranny. I am a software developer focused on web development. Work fast with our official CLI. As we are not running as a browser extension and can't observe all executed HTTP requests, we use ajax polling instead. PHP Frameworks That's why unlike a framework integration, it's up to you to register the executed database queries. The code for the LogOn action in an ASP.NET MVC 2 application is shown below. If you are using a dependency injection container it might be a good idea register the Clockwork instance. The metrics implementation uses cookies, if your website can't use cookies you might want to disable this feature. Dependency Injection. Eventually, I decided that it would be a good idea to get fucked by the tranny and Im really glad that I did it. ), fixed filtering collected and recorded requests by closure (implemented by ssnepenthe, thanks! One of the primary benefits of dependency injection is the ability to swap implementations of the injected class. ", [ 'trace' => true ]). Fortunately we have some great web performance intiatives like Web Vitals and browser apis to help us measure how are we doing on this front. Also, with Postman, you can automate manual tests and integrate them into your CI/CD pipeline so that any changes in the code would not break the API in production. The next step is to set up your database migrations and configure your database Eloquent Relationships. ), fixed PHP 8 incompatibility when processing some Laravel notifications (implemented by nanaya, thanks! Using the route cache will drastically decrease the amount of time it takes to register all of your application's routes. Laravel. After a simple setup, you can toggle collecting profiles right from the Clockwork app. How to avoid circular dependencies in NestJS - LogRocket Blog LE 2.1. Supported are both navigation timings and Web Vitals. for database queries you can set a slow query threshold or enable detecting of duplicate (N+1) queries. ), fixed possible crash in LaravelDataSource when resolving authenticated user in non-standard auth implementations (4.0 regression) (implemented by zarunet, thanks! abstract class TestCase extends BaseTestCase Barbies super gorgeous and I know that while our other threesome experiences have been good, this one is on a whole new level of pleasure. [ 'Product' => 'iPad Pro 10.5" 256G Silver', 'Price' => '849 ' ], Clockwork also collects stack traces for data like log messages or database queries. From the code above, you can see how we interact with our Todo model and serve the Users request by calling the view method and passing on the HTML page we want the user to see. [ 'Product' => 'Smart Cover iPad Pro 10.5 White', 'Price' => '61.90 ' ], Sheila said that if we were going to do it, itd be with a transsexual as she thinks theyre really hot. Codecourse It will save your day. For a more detailed technical documentation you can head over to our godocs. Clicking on the blue button will show full details in the Clockwork app. A fluent api is available to further configure the event. Weve both been looking forward to this day for months. ), fixed timeline api usage not being updated in the Slim integration leading to crash (reported by jiaojie1989, implemented by seanhamlin, thanks! ), changed delay listening to events until the app is booted (improves comatibility with some other packages), changed default settings to enable toolbar (separately installed component), changed default except requests filter to include debugbar api (implemented by edgardmessias, thanks! Laravel has an elegant routing system build in already: Now, open the web.php file inside the routes folder and add the following codes: You can see that each method in our TodosController is mapped onto a specific URL (route) in the webpage. Ive hooked us up with a transsexual by the name of Bia and shes going to be fucking both of us! But if youre good with the defaults, lets look at how to configure our database: First, create a new database using any Database Client of your choice and note the login credentials. Give Nicky Liu a like if it's helpful. This tutorial will teach you Laravel from scratch to an advanced level, you will learn how to install Laravel, how to set up database connectivity, how to create a full-blown application, and deploy it to HEROKU. ), fixed PHPStorm editor links (implemented by zlodes, thanks! Clockwork uses the webRequest API, used for observing HTTP requests made by the browser, including submitted data, URLs, full response content, with ability to block or modify these requests. ), fixed stack traces popovers placement issues (reported by JackWH, thanks! You can also delete the shared requests manually at any time. It is a containerization platform that allows you to create, deploy, and run applications without any hassle with the help of containers. Bump from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0 (,, replace ioutil with io package and other minor improvements, add entry for third party packages support on httptest, add support for fs.FS, embed.FS (in addition of string and http.FileS, add remoteip and sitekey optional fields to hcaptcha middleware, allow setting a custom go-redis client at Iris go redis sessions driv, add a new _proposals folder and a silly idea, new Application.SetContextErrorHandler method, Added support for third party packages on httptest package with tests, Update to version 8.5.5 | Read Note: Symfony integration uses the built-in Symfony profiler. $request->session = session()->all(); WebSaatnya menjadi Android Expert dengan belajar Clean Architecture, Reactive, Dependency Injection, Modularization, Performance, dan Security. ]. Each data source collects data about a particular topic, eg. Install the Clockwork library via Composer. All features are supported, take a look at what database queries were run by your queue job or find out why is your unit test failing, making TDD much easier. Now we need to enable the Xdebug profiler itself. Other web servers that you can consider: Lighttpd, Microsoft IIS, etc. LE 3.1. Practice Problems, POTD Streak, Weekly Contests & More! To remove the cached routes file without generating a new cache, use the route:clear command: Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. clock()->event('Updating cache', [ 'color' => 'green' ])->run(function () { Dany DeCastro & Paola Salles, Duda Galhoti gets to be the third wheel tranny in a hot threesome today. New in Clockwork 4.1, artisan commands, queue jobs and tests can now also be collected, you need to enable this in the config file. For example, our application uses a custom session implementation, let's create a data source that adds the session data to Clockwork: use Clockwork\DataSource\DataSource; ), fixed some cases when empty tabs were shown, fixed Firefox incompatibility in standalone mode, fixed ordering database queries table by the query column (thanks fitztrev), fixed Clockwork not working when "Block third-party cookies" is enabled in Chrome (thanks betawax), note, if "Block third-party cookies" is enabled, settings, theme, authentication tokens and dismissed update notifications won't be preserved when you close Clockwork, added new server-side update notification, added showing of last exception to the request tab for HTTP 500 responses, added authenticated user info to the session tab, added support for opening files in editor in stack traces (thanks xiaohuilam), improved displaying exceptions in the log tab now show the class, code, correct stack trace and support chained exceptions, fixed xdebug installation instructions link pointing nowhere, fixed error handling in some cases where metadata can't be retrieved, fixed pretty printing not rendering numeric value "0" correctly, fixed subrequest processing missing urldecode, fixed metadata requests having wrong Content-Type when running as standalone (thanks ssnepenthe), fixed Clockwork not working in incognito mode (thanks YummyTofu), fixed requests not showing up in some rare cases (thanks alextime), added performance metrics and renamed the timeline tab to performance tab, added peak memory usage to the performance tab, added support for filtering all tables (thanks Gennnji), added support for user-data (custom tabs), added request method, url, controller, response status and the ability to copy the url to the request tab (thanks sisve), added query counts and time on top of the database tab (thanks fgilio), added distinct colors to errors and warning in the log tab (thanks Gennnji), added support for stack traces in the log, events, database and cache tabs (thanks sisve), added total number of queries to the cache tab, added Xdebug profiler to the performance tab, added support for dark theme when running as a standalone app, improved pretty printing - arrays are shown as Array with items count, supports new type metadata, fixed showing booleans, added distinct styles to booleans, nulls, resources and anonymous functions, improved the requests list behaviour, reliability of metadata loading and error handling, improved performance dropping jQuery and other minor improvements, improved dark theme highlight color to be a bit more contrasting (thanks robclancy), fixed requests table header to compensate for scrollbar, fixed standalone app opening in a broken state if the web app have no metadata yet (thanks spaceemotion), dropped support for resizing requests table columns, added support for displaying route middleware (thanks Vercoutere), fixed not being able to load metadata if the url contains hash, added "preserve log" feature (works similar as in the Dev Tools network tab), improved requests list behavior, requests are now shown in loading state while we are loading metadata, error message is shown if metadata fails to load, changed to use webRequest api for observing HTTP request in both Chrome and Firefox (fixes latest Chrome Beta/Canary), fixed requests with redirect responses not being shown in Firefox, fixed no requests being shown in Firefox if multiple instances of Clockwork are open, fixed some layout issues (fixes firefox scrolling issue) (thanks spaceemotion), fixed not being able to scroll using the mouse wheel (thanks KKSzymanowski), fixed update notifications showing if the server-side has higher version (thanks KKSzymanowski), added cache tab, including stats like reads, hits, misses, writes, deletes, time and full cache query log with pretty-printed values and caller file support, added events tab for apps using event dispatching, added showing of last request when Clockwork is opened, added ability to collapse the requests list, added support for showing classes of pretty-printed objects, added support for running as a standalone app, added Clockwork server-side update notifications, changed UI tweaks, new tab bar, tweaked colors and whitespace, changed headers, get and post data, cookies and session data are now sorted alphabetically by name, changed refactored whole metadata handling code and a lot of the UI code, changed styles are now in SCSS using node-sass for compilation, changed handling of invalid metadata to be more robust, changed X-Clockwork-Version header is now optional, updated angular, jquery and other 3rd party libraries, switched to the "slim" jquery version, added support for model and caller file name and line number in database tab (thanks OmarMakled and fitztrev for the idea), added support for caller file name and line number in log tab (thanks crissi for the idea), added support for context in the log tab (thanks crissi for the idea), improved pretty jason component to lazy-render objects improving UI performance a ton when logging large objects like Eloquent collections, updated angular, jquery and other 3rd party libraries, cleaned up and refactored some internal parts, fixed sorting of database, log, view and emails tables not working, fixed minor style issues with requests list error/warning count overlay on dark background, fixed HTML injection in the pretty-jason component, added support for resizing requests table columns, added tooltips to requests table showing cell values, added errors and warnings counts to the requests table, changed incoming requests behavior, incoming requests are no longer automatically shown when other then last request was manually selected, selecting last request or clearing requests resets the default behaviour, changed toolbar implementation to a custom one to save some vertical space, changed timeline and log tabs to not be shown when there are no records to show, fixed requests table not scrolling to new requests properly, fixed compatibility with web server sending lowercase headers (thanks EvanDarwin), added connection column to database tab when there are queries from multiple connections in request data, fixed a bug where numeric values were displayed as empty objects, improved compatibility when incomplete data is received, added support for custom headers on metadata requests specified by client via X-Clockwork-Header-NAME headers, log level is now specified as string by client, allowing any level names, fixed non-string and object values not being pretty-printed correctly, updated design for the new flatter dev tools look comming in Chrome 32, json values in request data, logs, session and cookies now displayed as interactive elements similar to Chrome javascript console, fixed compatibility with some older versions of the Clockwork php library, added support for custom Clockwork data uri (used for apps running in subdirs for example), released on Chrome Web Store! 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laravel dependency injection controller